Friday, 29 January 2010

New GST rollout date will be known in April 2010

Adjustment of Advance FBT with Advance Tax for A.Y. 2010-11

Delhi , January 29,2010 . The Central Board of Direct Taxes have decided that any instalment of advance tax paid in respect of fringe benefits for assessment year (AY) 2010-11 shall be treated as advance income tax paid by assessee for AY 2010-11. The assessee can adjust such sum against its advance tax obligation in respect of income for Financial Year (FY) 2009-10. The unadjusted amount, if any, may be claimed as refund in the return of income for AY 2010-11 to be filed later this year.

Fringe Benefit Tax was introduced by the Finance Act 2005 on the value of certain fringe benefits as contained in Chapter XII H (Sections 115 W to 115 WL) of Income Tax Act, 1961. The Finance Act 2009 abolished FBT with effect from AY 2010-11. However, during the current FY some assessees have paid "advance tax in respect of fringe benefits" for Assessment Year 2010-11. The Circular enables adjustment of such tax or its refund.

CIRCULAR NO.2/2010, Dated 29.1.2010

Friday, 22 January 2010

Income tax department decided to take up fewer tax returns for scrutiny this year

Revenue stamp only for receipt above Rs 5,000

Q. I solicit your expert advice on the levy of tax in the shape of a one-rupee revenue stamp. My queries are:
  1. Whether the stamp is required on receipt for Rs 500 also or it is only for amounts exceeding Rs 500 and upto which value?
  2. Whether the stamp is required for amounts received only in cash or also for receipts through a cheque etc.
  3. Some employers make payments of salary etc. to their employees through a payment advice to a bank for crediting the same to their respective bank account. Some employers get signatures (against a revenue stamp) of listed employees against their respective names for the amounts transferred to their bank accounts. Is stamp mandatory in such cases?
  4. Banks do not insist on a revenue stamp on cash receipts or withdrawal payments, but they do in case of payments (in cash or even on credit to a saving bank account) on redemption of a fixed term deposit or bonds or Post Office saving instruments. Is it Ok in the latter case.
  5. Many a time signature is not done partly covering the stamp, but a stamp is fixed nearby and crossed simply. Is it Ok?
  6. Is using a one-rupee revenue stamp a statutory obligation? What is the implication if the stamp is not used in a receipt?
A. The answers to your queries are as under:
  1. In view of the amendment of Schedule I, to the Indian Stamp Act 1899, the one-rupee stamp is required to be affixed on any receipt, the amount or value of which exceeds Rs 5,000. This amendment has come w.e.f. 10.09.04. The stamp is required to be affixed in respect of receipt which has been defined as under in Section 2(23) of the aforesaid Act:"Receipt" include any note, memorandum or writing-
    • whereby any money, or any bill of exchange, cheque or promissory note is acknowledged to have been received, or
    • whereby any other movable property is acknowledged to have been received in satisfaction of a debt, or
    • whereby any debt or demand, or any part of a debt or demand, is acknowledged to have been satisfied or discharged, or
    • which signifies or imports any such acknowledgement, and whether the same is or is not signed with the name of any person.
    • In view of the above, the cheque received would also be covered for the affixation of the stamp.
    • The definition of receipt would definitely cover the cases referred to by you.
    • The withdrawals from bank account is not in the nature of receipt as defined herein above. However, the payment on a maturity of fixed deposit would definitely be covered.
    • In my opinion, such receipt is not perfect.
    • The instrument which is not duly stamped is inadmissible as an evidence.

    Note:revenue stamp shown is Just of 15 paisa where as per rule above one rupee stamp is required.

    by CA S.C. Vasudeva

    Government considering increase in the income-tax exemption limit for individuals in next budget

    Commissioner is empowered to satisfy himself that the trust activates are genuine and in consonance with its objects before granting approval u/s 80G

    Registration u/s 80G(5)(vi) cannot be denied to charitable trust even if it is running some activity that yields profit

    Sunday, 17 January 2010



    In this post we will discuss only points relating to benefit of under section 80C.we have tried to cover all the important issues but if any left or you have different thoughts than ours please record in comments section.The list given below is not complete and we have covered schemes only that widely used by the persons.And we will try to cover each scheme in detail in our other post.
    other points related to above

    1. Deduction for above schemes in total is available up to Rs.100000 /-
    2. The limit of one lac as above is total limit u/s 80C for all type of savings ,plus section 80CCC(pension policy) plus u/s 80CCD(Contributory Pension Plan).Means the aggregate amount of deduction under above referred sections can not exceed Rs. 1,00,000.
    3. PPF limit of 70000 is not as per income tax act but specified under ppf scheme more over the limit is combined for individual plus minor child.
    4. Accrued interest on NSC is also available for rebate for first five year.(you can download NSC interest calculator from calculator section)
    5. Holding period has been either defined under income tax or under scheme qualified in for deduction u/s 80C
    80c saving

    Scheme particulars Available to Can be for amount cap Holding period
    Life Insurance premium huf Member of family 20% of Sum Assured Two year
    individual spouse,own,children (major or minor,dependent or indepdent) do
    Non -Commutable defrreed annuity individual spouse,own,children (major or minor,dependent or indepdent) Nil Nil
    Deferred Annuity deducted by Govt individual spouse,own,children (major or minor,dependent or indepdent) 20 % of salary nil
    Statutory provident and recognised Provident fund individual Individual only on his own name nil In case of Rpf 5years
    Public Provident Fund individual spouse,own,children (major or minor,dependent or indepdent) 70000 6years
    National Saving Certificate individual /huf own name nil nil
    Ulip of utI and lic mutual fund(Dhanraksha) huf Member of family nil 5 years

    individual spouse,own,children (major or minor,dependent or indepdent) do do
    specified tax saving mutual fund individual /huf own name nil 3 year
    payment of house loan individual /huf own name nil 5 year
    tution fees individual any two children nil nil
    specified fixed deposit with schduled bank individual /huf own name nil 5 year

    Friday, 15 January 2010

    Income Tax dept asks tax payers to avoid fraud mails

    Tuesday, 12 January 2010


    The registration number allotted to the dealers is popularly known as TIN i.e. Taxpayer Identification Number. This is a eleven digit number to be quoted in all VAT transactions and correspondence. (or)
    • The Tax Payer's Identification Number (TIN) is new unique registration number that is used for identification of dealers registered under VAT.
    • It consists of 11 digit numerals and will be unique throughout the country. First two characters will represent the State Code as used by the Union Ministry of Home Affairs. The set-up of the next nine characters may, however, be different in different States.
    • TIN is being used for identification of dealers in the same way like PAN is used for identification of assesses under Income Tax Act. All the dealers seeking for new registration under VAT or Central Sales Tax will be allotted new TIN as registration number, however every State Commercial Tax Department have made provisions to issue new TIN to their existing dealers replacing old registration/ CST number
  2. so In brief there is no difference in VAT number,TIN or CST number ,now only one number is required for all type of sales i.e TIN it may be called VAT number as it is used intra state sales and may be called CST number as same is required for CST number .TIN is being issued to all new dealers whether required for intra or inter state sales but for old dealer (inter state) CST number will be changed with TIN in phased manner and method adopted by each state is different.'
    • For example :In Maharashtra at the end on 11 digit one alphabet has been added which ic C for CST number and V for vat Number and all Number in Maharashtra starts from 27 I have arranged a complete list of First Two digit of all the state and Union territories which is given here under.But I am arranging the detail of other 9 digits and publish the same in due course.One I can say that different rules are followed for rest of 9 digits in each states.If any body has a Information about these numbers in respect of their own state then kindly share with us in comment . To know or to verify your TIN/VAT number Click link given in the name of each state.I will provide Link for all Tin verification site ASAP. Download the Detail of First two digits of TIN/Vat

      Monday, 11 January 2010


      Sunday, 10 January 2010

      Import policy of items under Exim Code “7208”

      Thursday, 7 January 2010

      Government may introduce DTC in the forthcoming budget session

      Union Budget may be presented in Lok Sabha on 27th February

      Life insurance companies want withdrawal of service tax on fund management charges

      Wednesday, 6 January 2010



      The Series A is used for Standard Printing and Stationery. The Series B is used for Posters, Wall-Charts etc.

      A SERIES mm X mm Inch X Inch B SERIES mm X mm Inch X Inch
      A0 841 X 1189 33.11 X 46.81 B0 1000 X 1414 39.37 X 55.67
      A1 594 X 841 23.39 X 33.11 B1 707 X 1000 27.83X 39.37
      A2 420 X 594 16.54 X 23.39 B2 500 X 707 19.68 X 27.83
      A3 297 X 420 11.69 X 16.54 B3 353 X 500 13.90 X 19.68
      A4 210 X 297 8.27 X 11.69 B4 250 X 353 9.84 X 13.90
      A5 148 X 210 5.83 X 8.27 B5 176 X 250 6.93 X 9.84
      A6 105 X 148 4.13 X 5.83 B6 125 X 176 4.92 X 6.93
      A7 74 X 105 2.91 X 4.13 B7 88 X 125 3.46 X 4.92
      A8 52 X 74 2.05 X 2.91 B8 62 X 88 2.44 X 3.46
      A9 37 X 52 1.46 X 2.05 B9 44 X 62 1.73 X 2.44
      A10 26 X 37 1.02 X 1.46 B10 31 X 44 1.22 X 1.73

      Area of A0 = 1 Square meter
      A0/A1 = AI/A2 = A2/A3 ...........A9/A10 = 2
      Length = 1.414 * Width

      Width of An = 2^(-1/4-n/2) and Height = 2^(1/4-n/2)

      Area of B0 = 1.414 Square meter
      B0/B1 = B1/B2 = B2/B3 ............B9/B10 = 2
      B0/A0 = B1/A1 = B2/A2 ..........B10/A10

      Width of Bn = 2^(-n/2) and Height = 2^(1/2-n/2)

      The C series is used for folders, post cards and envelopes. C series envelope is suitable to insert A series sizes.

      C SERIES mm X mm Inch X Inch Japanese B Series mm X mm Inch X Inch
      C0 917X1297 36.10X51.06 B0 1030 x 1456 40.55x57.32
      C1 648X917 25.53X36.10 B1 728 x 1030 28.66x40.55=
      C2 458X648 18.05X25.53 B2 515x728 20.27x28.66
      C3 324X458 25.53X9.02 B3 364x515 14.33x20.27
      C4 229X324 9.02X12.76 B4 257x364 10.13x14.33
      C5 162X229 6.38X9.02 B5 182x257 7.16x10.13
      C6 114X162 4.51X6.38 B6 128x182 5.06x7.16
      C7 81X114 3.19X4.51 B7 91x128 3.58x5.06
      C8 57X81 2.25X3.19 B8 64x91 2.53x3.58
      C9 40X57 1.59X2.25 B9 45x64 1.79x2.53
      C10 28X40 1.12X1.59 B10 32x45 1.26x1.79

      Width of Cn = 2^(-1/8-n/2) and Height = 2^(3/8-n/2)

      The allowed tolerances are ±1.5 mm for dimensions up to 150 mm, ±2 mm for dimensions above 150 mm up to 600 mm, and ±3 mm for dimensions above 600 mm.

      The A, B & C series are trimmed paper sizes. ISO also define format series RA and SRA for untrimmed raw paper, where SRA stands for 'supplementary raw format A'. These formats are only slightly larger than the corresponding A series formats. Sheets in these formats are  cut to the end format after binding. The ISO RA0 format has an area of 1.05 m² and the ISO SRA0 format has an area of 1.15 m². These formats also follow the sqrt(2)-ratio and half-area rule, but the dimensions of the start format have been rounded to the full centimeter. The common untrimmed paper formats that printers order from the paper manufacturers are

      RA SERIES mm X mm Inch X Inch SRA SERIES mm X mm Inch X Inch
      RA0 860X1220 33.86X48.03 SRA0 900X1280 35.43 X 50.39
      RA1 610X860 24.01X33.86 SRA1 640X900 25.19X35.43
      RA2 430X610 16.93X24.01 SRA2 450X640 17.71X25.19
      RA3 305X430 12.00X16.93 SRA3 320X450 12.59X17.71
      RA4 215X305 8.46X12.00 SRA4 225X320 8.85X12.59

      Paper Sizes

      Standard Paper Sizes

      U.S. Name

      A (letter)


      B (ledger)

      Super B/Super A3




      U.S. Size

      8.5 x 11 inches

      8.5 x 14 inches

      11 x 17 inches

      13 x 19 inches

      17 x 22 inches

      22 x 34 inches

      34 x 44 inches

      Metric Equivalent

      216 x 279 mm

      216 x 356 mm

      279 x 432 mm

      330 x 483 mm

      432 x 559 mm

      559 x 864 mm

      864 x 1118 mm

      Metric Name








      Metric Size

      148 x 210 mm

      210 x 297 mm

      297 x 420 mm

      329 x 483 mm

      420 x 594 mm

      594 x 841 mm

      841 x 1189 mm

      U.S. Equivalent

      5.8 x 8.3 inches

      8.3 x 11.7 inches

      11.7 x 16.5 inches

      13 x 19 inches

      16.5 x 23.4 inches

      23.4 x 33.1 inches

      33.1 x 46.8 inches

      Tuesday, 5 January 2010


      Monday, 4 January 2010

      S.T exemption to manufacturers of parts of cycles or sewing machines

      Service Tax Notification - services related manufacture or processing of alcoholic beverages

      Shortcut keys Tally

      The shortcut keys appear in button names in the button bar (right side of the Tally screen). You can either click the button from the button bar or press the relevant function key or character underlined/double-underlined.

      The buttons have a function key before the button names ( Eg: F1: Select Cmp) which means you need to press F1 key (Function Key) to select the 'Select Company' screen

      The buttons have an underlined character ( Eg: F3:Cmp Info), which means you need to press ALT + F3 to select the 'Company Info' screen.

      Some buttons have a double-underlined character (Eg: As Voucher) which means you need to press CTRL + V to select the 'Voucher' in voucher mode.

      The shortcut keys available in Tally are listed in the below table:

      Function Key Combination





      To select a company

      To select the Accounts Button and Inventory buttons

      At all masters menu screen

      At the Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen


      To change the menu period

      At almost all screens in TALLY


      To select the company

      At almost all screens in TALLY


      To select the Contra voucher

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen


      To select the Payment voucher

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen


      To select the Receipt voucher

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen


      To select the Journal voucher

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen


      To select the Sales voucher

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen

      F8 (CTRL+F8)

      To select the Credit Note voucher

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen


      To select the Purchase voucher

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen

      F9 (CTRL+F9)

      To select the Debit Note voucher

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen


      To select the Reversing Journal voucher

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen


      To select the Memorandum voucher

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen


      To select the Functions and Features screen

      At almost all screens in TALLY


      To select the Configure screen

      At almost all screens in TALLY

      Special Key Combination




      ALT + 2

      To Duplicate a voucher

      At List of Vouchers – creates a voucher similar to the one where you positioned the cursor and used this key combination

      ALT + A

      To Add a voucher

      At List of Vouchers – adds a voucher after the one where you positioned the cursor and used this key combination.

      ALT + C

      To create a master at a voucher screen (if it has not been already assigned a different function, as in reports like Balance Sheet, where it adds a new column to the report)

      At voucher entry and alteration screens, at a field where you have to select a master from a list. If the necessary account has not been created already, use this key combination to create the master without quitting from the voucher screen.

      ALT + D

      To delete a voucher

      To delete a master

      (if it has not been already assigned a different function, as explained above)

      At Voucher and Master (Single) alteration screens. Masters can be deleted subject to conditions, as explained in the manual.

      ALT + E

      To export the report in ASCII, SDF, HTML OR XML format

      At all reports screens in TALLY

      ALT + I

      To insert a voucher

      At List of Vouchers – inserts a voucher before the one where you positioned the cursor and used this key combination.

      ALT + O

      To upload the report at your website

      At all reports screens in TALLY

      ALT + M

      To Email the report

      At all reports screens in TALLY

      ALT + P

      To print the report

      At all reports screens in TALLY

      ALT + R

      To remove a line in a report

      At all reports screens in TALLY

      ALT + S

      To bring back a line you removed using ALT + R

      At all reports screens in TALLY

      ALT+ V

      From Invoice screen to bring Stock Journal screen

      At Invoice screen à Quantity Field à Press Alt + V to select the Stock Journal.

      ALT + W

      To view the Tally Web browser.

      At all reports screens in TALLY

      ALT + X

      To cancel a voucher in Day Book/List of Vouchers

      At all voucher screens in TALLY

      ALT + R

      To Register Tally

      At Licensing Menu in TALLY

      CTRL + A

      To accept a form – wherever you use this key combination, that screen or report gets accepted as it is.

      At almost all screens in TALLY, except where a specific detail has to be given before accepting.

      CTRL + B

      To select the Budget

      At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/ Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/ Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and alteration screen

      CTRL + C

      To select the Cost Centre

      To select the Cost Category

      At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/ Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/ Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and alteration screen

      At Stock Groups/ Stock Categories/ Stock Items/ Reorder Levels/ Godowns/ Voucher Types / Units of Measure ( Inventory Info) creation/alteration screen

      CTRL+ E

      To select the Currencies

      At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/ Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/ Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and alteration screen

      CTRL + G

      To select the Group

      At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/ Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/ Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and alteration screen

      CTRL + I

      To select the Stock Items

      At Stock Group/ Stock Categories/ Stock Items/ Reorder Levels/ Godowns/ Voucher Types / Units of Measure ( Inventory Info) creation/alteration screen

      CTRL + L

      To select the Ledger

      At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/ Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/ Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and alteration screen

      CTRL + O

      To select the Godowns

      At Stock Group/ Stock Categories/ Stock Items/ Reorder Levels/ Godowns/ Voucher Types / Units of Measure ( Inventory Info) creation/alteration screen

      CTRL + Q

      To abandon a form – wherever you use this key combination, it quits that screen without making any changes to it.

      At almost all screens in TALLY.

      CTRL + Alt + R

      Rewrite data for a Company

      From Gateway of Tally screen

      CTRL + S

      Allows you to alter Stock Item master

      At Stock Voucher Report and Godown Voucher Report

      CTRL + U

      To select the Units

      At Stock Groups/ Stock Categories/ Stock Items/ Reorder Levels/ Godowns/ Voucher Types / Units of Measure ( Inventory Info) creation/alteration screen

      Ctrl + V

      To select the Voucher Types

      At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/ Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/ Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and alteration screen

      Special Function Key Combination




      ALT + F1

      To close a company

      To view detailed report

      To explode a line into its details

      At all the menu screen

      At almost all report screen

      At almost all screens in TALLY

      ALT+ F2

      To change the system period

      At almost all screens in TALLY

      ALT + F3

      To select the company info menu

      To create/alter/shut a Company

      At Gateway of Tally screen

      ALT + F4

      To select the Purchase Order Voucher Type

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen

      ALT + F5

      To select the Sales Order Voucher Type

      To view monthly and quarterly report

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen

      At almost all report screens in TALLY

      ALT + F6

      To select the Rejection Out Voucher Type

      To change the Sales Order Voucher Type

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen

      ALT + F7

      To select the Stock Journal Voucher Type

      To accept all the Audit lists

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen

      At TallyAudit Listing screen

      ALT+ F8

      To select the Delivery Note Voucher Type

      To view the Columnar report

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen

      At Ledger Voucher screen

      ALT + F9

      To select the Receipt Note Voucher Type

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen

      ALT + F10

      To select the Physical Stock Voucher Type

      At Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen

      ALT + F12

      To filter the information based on monetary value

      At almost all report screens

      CTRL + ALT + F12

      Advanced Config

      At Gateway of Tally

      Key Combination used for navigation





      Display previous voucher during voucher entry/alter

      At voucher entry and alteration screens


      Display next voucher during voucher entry/alter

      At voucher entry and alteration screens


      To accept anything you type into a field.

      To accept a voucher or master

      To get a report with further details of an item in a report.

      You have to use this key at most areas in TALLY

      At the receivables report – press Enter at a pending bill to get transactions relating to this bill (e.g., original sale bill, receipts and payments against this bill, etc)


      To remove what you typed into a field

      To come out of a screen

      To indicate you do not want to accept a voucher or master.

      At almost all screens in TALLY.


      Collapse next level details

      At Voucher Register screen and Trial Balance report


      To explode a line into its details

      In almost all Reports:

      At a Group/Stock Group/Cost Category/Godown/Stock Category – displays Sub Groups and Ledgers/Stock Items/Cost Centres/Secondary Godowns/Secondary Stock Categories

      At a Voucher – displays its entries and narration

      At a Stock Item- displays its godowns and batch details

      At Voucher Register screen – displays the next level details

      At Trial Balance report - displays the next level details

      CTRL + ENTER

      To alter a master while making an entry or viewing a report

      At voucher entry and alteration screens

      At all reports

      souce :

      "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."