Wednesday, 14 September 2011

e- TDS return – How to make correction or Revision in TDS Payment challan Details?


e- TDS return – How to make correction or Revision in TDS Payment challan Details?


Can I update a challan?

Yes. You can update a challan.

How can I update a challan?

You can update any of the details provided in the challan viz; CIN details, amounts etc.

Points to be kept in mind while updating challan:

  • identify the challan to be updated by
    • its sequence no as per regular statement
    • CIN, deposit amount as per regular statement
  • Update the challan detail as required.
  • Along with the updated values, the correction statement should contain value of the CIN and deposit amount as per regular statement as well.

Example: In order to correct challan serial number from 013 to 014 in the sixth challan of the regular statement filed by you, the steps as under need to be followed

1. Identify the challan by the sequence number as well as the CIN and deposit amount as per regular statement.
2. Update the value in the field challan serial number to 014.
3. Ensure that the value in the field Last Bank challan no is 013, i.e. as per regular statement.

Can I add a challan?

Yes. You can add a challan.

How can I add a challan?

You can add a new challan as well as the underlying deductee records. The procedure for adding a challan is as under:

1. Maintain the sequence of the new challan record in continuation to the sequence number of the last challan as per regular statement and add details of challan in this record.
2. Add the underlying deductee records and associate the same with the sequence number of the newly added challan.

Example: If a regular statement filed by you has six challans and you wish to add one more challan and underlying five deductees, the steps as under need to be followed:

1. Sequence of new challan being added should be 7.
2. Add underlying five deductees in the deductee annexure and associate them with new challan having sequence no. 7.

Can I delete a challan?

No. You cannot delete a challan.

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